I’m Julian Dunn, a technology professional living in Portland, Oregon. Currently I work as senior director of product management for GitHub Actions. Prior to coming to GitHub, I spent three years in product marketing at PagerDuty, and before that, I worked at Chef, where I started in 2013 doing professional services. I also worked as an engineering manager for Chef prior to moving into product management and then product marketing.
I have over twenty years of experience in the technology sector, working for companies large and small including SecondMarket (NASDAQ Private Markets), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, FSC Internet (now part of Telus), and VerticalScope (now part of Torstar Digital).
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from the University of Toronto and an executive MBA from the University of Oregon.
I am married to Meredith Noble, who is a therapist. We live in Grant Park, Portland, with our cat, P. Elliott Kitten (Elliott for short).
My other interests are in urban affairs and planning, transportation systems, telephony, public radio, documentaries, live theater, modern art, indie pop/folk/rock, and cycling.
Getting in Touch
You can e-mail me at jdunn@aquezada.com or use any of the following social media to get in touch with me:
- Twitter – @julian_dunn
- Last.fm – juliancdunn