Using a Raspberry Pi as a cheap AirTunes server

No_AirPortI hate giving Apple more money than I have to. Sure, I own a MacBook Air and it’s wonderful, but I chafe at Apple charging me $99 for an AirPort Express just to stream music wirelessly to my stereo. I don’t need another Wi-Fi base station, anyway. So I decided to build my own AirTunes server with a Raspberry Pi. Here’s how to do it really easily. Continue reading

Making a Hackintosh from a Dell Mini 10v

My Christmas break project was to build a Hackintosh out of a Dell Mini 10v. The Mini 10v is a $299 NetBook that, I swear, is deliberately manufactured with on-board parts suitable for creating a Hackintosh.

There are tons of guides out there with conflicting instructions on how to create a Hackintosh on a Mini 10v. I’ll just share with you what worked for me, in a really brief way, because I know you’re busy and want to get working on your new Hackintosh! Continue reading

off to Streaming Media East next week

I’m taking a long-awaited vacation next week, in part to attend my friend Kristin’s wedding down in New Jersey, but also for the Streaming Media East conference in Manhattan. My work these days requires a great deal of knowledge about video (and audio) delivery workflows for online media, and I can see many aspects of our operation ramping up in near term. Flash-based players like the Maven Networks front-end are already in use, and I can see live Flash being only six months off. It seems like Flash is suddenly on everyone’s tongue, and at least at CBC, Windows Media, while still our standard, is no longer the market darling that it once was. Continue reading

building AMANDA for MacPorts

Before I left on vacation, I was using one of CBC‘s cast-off Power Macintoshes (grey G4 tower with 256 MB of RAM) as a build box for creating a MacPorts port of the AMANDA backup system. I tarred up the Portfile and associated patches and have them available – if anyone using a Mac wants to help me test them while I’m away from my regular computer, please drop me a line via the comments and I’ll send it to you!

memories of Farallon PhoneNet

My 10-year high school reunion is happening over the August long weekend this year, and the event got me thinking about some of the technology we used during those years.

Every Ontario elementary school and high school student of a certain vintage will remember the ubiquitous Unisys ICON terminals, a topic that I will actually leave to a later entry (we had a lot of fun with those ICONs, especially upon discovering that one could write a C program fork() from any PID on the system, including /sbin/init, with extremely useful results). However, I started thinking about Farallon PhoneNet, a fabulous networking technology for Macintoshes back in the day, and I thought I should record for posterity what kind of equipment it took to produce the Mackenzie High Times back in the day.

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