

I occasionally speak on topics in IT, devops, configuration management, and more.


  • September 2018: Extending Compliance-as-Code to the Network Administrator at ONS Europe (slides)
  • September 2018: Modern Release Choreography Using Jenkins and Habitat at JenkinsWorld


  • October 2017: Distributed Systems Are Hard. Distributed Systems of People Are Harder at DevOpsDays Detroit (slides)
  • February 2017: Now That I Have Choreography, What Do I Do With It? at CfgMgmtCamp Belgium (slides)


  • June 2016: An Introduction to Docker workshop at NYU’s ITP Camp
  • June 2016: Choreograph, Don’t Orchestrate! at DockerCon 2016
  • February 2016: Integrating Compliance into the Development Process panel at Federal Trade Commission’s “Start With Security” conference, Seattle
  • February 2016: Orchestration? You Don’t Need Orchestration. What You Want is Choreography at CfgMgmtCamp Belgium (slides, video)
  • February 2016: Chef on AIX at CfgMgmtCamp Belgium (slides, video)


  • November 2015: Vulnerability Scanning’s Not Good Enough: Enforcing Security and Compliance at Velocity Using Infrastructure As Code at USENIX LISA 2015
  • November 2015: Enough “Security Scanning” Already! lightning talk at DevOpsDC meetup
  • June 2015: IP Telephony and IVR Systems with Twilio workshop at NYU’s ITP Camp
  • February 2015: Configuration Management in a Containerized World at CfgMgmtCamp Belgium (slides)
  • February 2015: Cooking with Chef on Windows, 2015 Edition at CfgMgmtCamp Belgium


  • November 2014: Devops Against Inhumanity (Ignite edition) at DevOpsDays Vancouver (video)
  • October 2014: Cooking with Chef on Windows, Redux at CloudDevelop Ohio (slides, video)
  • September 2014: Devops Against Inhumanity at DevOpsDays Toronto (video)
  • June 2014: Improving your Mac Productivity at NYU’s ITP Camp (slides)
  • May 2014: Chef and Microsoft Powershell Desired State Configuration at Microsoft TechEd 2014 (slides, video)
  • May 2014: What Makes a Good Chef Cookbook, Revised Edition? at the Chef-Boston meetup (slides, video)
  • February 2014: What Makes a Good Chef Cookbook? at Config Management Camp Belgium’s Chef breakout room (slides)
  • February 2014: Configuration Management Isn’t Everything at Config Management Camp Belgium main track (slides)
  • February 2014: Cooking with Chef on Windows at Config Management Camp Belgium’s Chef breakout room (slides)


  • October 2013: Rethinking IT: An Introduction to DevOps with Chef at the Chef-Princeton meetup (slides)
  • August 2013: Automating a .NET 4.0 application on Windows with Chef (webinar recording)
  • June 2013: Chef Cookbook Testing and Continuous Integration at the Chef-Boston meetup (slides)
  • May 2013: Beginner Chef Antipatterns at ChefConf 2013 (slides, video)
  • January 2013: Chef Workflow at SecondMarket at the Chef New York meetup (slides)


  • December 2012: What your CDN won’t tell you: Optimizing a News Site for Speed and Stability at LISA ’12 (paper and video)
  • October 2012: An Introduction to Shef, The Chef Shell at the Chef New York meetup (slides)

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